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The Beginner’s Guide to Pinterest Story Pins

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Pinterest Story Pin on green background

Did you know that since the pandemic began earlier this year, Pinterest has grown its monthly active users from 335 million to over 420 million?

Big changes have been happening at Pinterest to keep up with all the new ways Pinners are interacting, and we are loving all of their newest features, including Pinterest Story Pins.

Today you’ll learn all about Story Pins including what they are, who can create them, how to view them and how to make them.

Important note: not all Pinterest accounts have access to Story Pins yet, but more business accounts are expected to have access to Story Pins soon so keep on the lookout!

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What Are Pinterest Story Pins?

Story Pins are multi-page Pins which give creators a chance to tell a story, engage their audience and even gain more followers!

The beta version of Story Pins launched to select Pinterest business accounts in March 2020. The feature will continue to roll out to more Creators like you!

That said, all Pins, including Story Pins, can be seen by more than just your followers. By creating a Story Pin, it encourages other Pinners to follow you while boosting your reach!

With up to 20 pages of photos, videos, and text, Story Pins are a way for Pinterest users to create more amazing content and showcase multiple products or ideas in one Story Pin.

A Story Pin helps creators share behind the scenes moments, quick tips, recipes, craft ideas and step by step tutorials.

Users can swipe through the pages and find information such as an ingredient list, materials needed for the project, and other details!

Story Pins are all the craze right now on Pinterest and unlike Stories features on other platforms, Story Pins don’t disappear after 24 hours!

Who Can Make Pinterest Story Pins?

Some creators have access to Story Pins already, but if you don’t, you can apply for Story Pins here.

Pinterest is still rolling out Story Pins, so if you don’t yet have access, hang tight!

For now, keep reading to learn all about Story Pins so you are ready to create them as soon as you’re accepted.

Are Pinterest Story Pins Good for Engagement?

We’re so glad you asked. We set out to test this new feature and find out if it was worth the fuss. After all, driving traffic from Pinterest is a goal for a lot of Pinners, and regular Pins in the feed are great for this!

However, we don’t recommend you skip over Pinterest Story Pins, based on our brand new study.

We took a look at 20 million Pins published from February 12 – March 12 sent through all methods (Stories, Image Pins, Video Pins, etc.) and found some fascinating clues about how Story Pins fit into your marketing strategy.

In our study, we found that Story Pins get 41x more saves than static image Pins! Important distinction – these are for Story Pins that you create yourself. Saved Story Pins do not perform well at all, which makes sense if you think about it. Story Pins are intended to connect the Creator to the Pinner!

The downside of Story Pins is that you can’t link to your site. However, they’re really helpful for attracting a growing, engaged audience because all those saves and interactions are creating more distribution than static Pins that have a link.

Another interesting fact? Story Pins seem to be an especially strong engagement vehicle for accounts with more than 10,000 Pinterest followers. ️‍♀️

Although Story Pins may not perform best to drive traffic to your site, they still have immense value in engagement and community on Pinterest. That’s why we recommend if you haven’t started exploring the feature, make the leap and experiment now!

How to View Pinterest Story Pins

Story Pins are noticeably different than regular Pins.

Notice the numbered icon in the upper left corner? That’s how you recognize a Story Pin!

To view all its contents, just click on the Story Pin to swipe through and get inspired!

And bonus: Story Pins are also a bit longer with a 9:16 ratio, so they may stand out more in the Pinterest feed.

How to Make Pinterest Story Pins

If you have access to Story Pins, you can follow these simple steps to create and publish your Story Pin!

  1. Click the “Create” tab when you are logged into your Pinterest business account.
  2. Click “Create Story Pin”. If you don’t have access to Story Pins yet, you won’t see this option.
  3. Select 1-20 images and/or videos to upload. Videos should be no more than 60 seconds in length.
  4. Design your pages using the features provided. There are different font and color options to choose from. Adjust your layout or add more pages.
  5. Click “Next”.
  6. Pick a theme for your Story Pin.
  7. Add details such as an ingredient list or materials needed.
  8. Click “Next”.
  9. Add a Story Pin title.
  10. Choose a Board for your Story Pin to publish to.
  11. Select up to 10 Pinterest tags related to your content.
  12. Click “Publish”.

Need some helpful tips to get started on creating Story Pins that work on Pinterest? Check out this list of amazing tips from the Pinterest Business Community.

How Brands Are Using Pinterest Story Pins to Connect With Their Audiences

Brands and creators are getting creative with their Story Pins! Want to see more Story Pins in action? Here are some examples of brands totally rocking it!

Amy Shamblen, a creative photographer and owner of a styled stock photography membership, does a great job at showcasing her work while providing tips for maintaining creativity.

The House That Lars Built created this beautiful step by step tutorial for pressing flowers. What a great way to encourage Pinterest readers to follow you or check out your blog!

Tastemade does a fantastic job being really thorough with the recipe ingredient list and directions. Who wouldn’t want to follow them to discover more Story Pins like this?

When creating Story Pins consider how your content can inspire your Pinterest audience. It doesn’t need to be anything fancy and complicated.

If anything, your Pinterest audience wants to learn more about your brand and what goes on behind the scenes. As always, keep Pinterest creative best practices in mind. And if you’re stuck, use the 5 Dimensions of Inspiration to help you tell a positive and inspiring Story with your Pin!

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